Monday, 19 December 2011

firsu keep your pendrive pluged into ur pc 1. Open Start Menu >> Run, type regedit and press Enter, this will open the registry editor. 2. Navigate to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Control \StorageDevicePolicies Note: If the registry key StorageDevicePolicies key does not exist, then double click on the add.bat file u hav downloaded and the key will be automatically added to registry then repeat step 1 and 2. 3. Double click the key WriteProtect in the right pane and set the value to 0 in the Value Data Box and press OK button 4. Exit Registry, restart your computer and then again re- connect your USB pen drive on your computer. That is it, done. If in case this does nt work which i know wil surely work then try the 2nd method 1. Copy all the important data from this drive to your computer because this method will format the drive and erase all the data on the pen drive. 2 Unzip this the HS2.0 LFORMAT utility to a folder on your hard disk, preferably on a folder on desktop screen for easy access (Do Not Save it on pen drive). Keep your pen drive plugged in, and double click on the Start.bat file in the folder where you unzipped the above utility. This will start formatting your pen drive, wait till the formatting completes and the LED on your pen drive stops blinking. Remove your pen drive after than and plug it in again. The above two steps will solve the problem.

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